Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hooray for School!

School has begun, and not a moment too soon.  Husband received his assignment letter, FINALLY!  So yesterday was filled with activities that previously had been in a holding pattern.  We needed our birth certificates, passports, Husband's college diploma,  and our marriage license.  And, could you scan those right away please?  No problem.  Ok, now, where are those things...
Also, the property manager is coming over today to photograph our house for the rental listing, so could you please just make it look as if we lived in a hotel room, with every trace of us erased and every surface bare, and spotless?  No problem.  I have been meaning to sort through the 100 drawings on the refrigerator and the meaningless pile of junk stacked next to the printer.  Why are there toy cars and horses in the bathroom?  Who made a tower of books in the living room?  Why are there 600 hair bows in the corner?  How do I make my bed again?  She won't want to photograph the laundry room, right?  Oh what's that?  we've run out of time?  Just shove everything willy-nilly into the nearest drawer?  Yes, that.
Was contacted by a member of the spouses group through Husband's company.  She wanted to (1) welcome me and (2) ask if she could help find me a maid service.  Maid service is not exactly on my list of priorities, but I suppose it was a kind gesture.  Or she somehow knows what a lazy slob I am.
Husband and I began french lessons here, tonight is our second class.  French is hard.  I am old.  I paid $8 for a notebook from the drugstore.  WTF.

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